Monday, March 2, 2009

Clothing in Ancient Greek

Men's Clothing and Armor

Men wore tunics called chiton. Over the chitons they wore a wool cloth called a himation. Men wore linin shorts. The men wore armor to war that weighed up to 130 pounds. The men had an argitive shield made of wood. They had a leather apron on the lower part of their body. The upper body armor is called a curteous and was made from stiffened linen or bronze. Only rich people could actually buy bronze. They also wore armor on their legs called greaves, which were also made of bronze. The men also had helmets made of bronze and they had a crest made of horsehair. The bronze helmet weighed 10 pounds well the argitive shield weighed 20 pounds. The sandels weighed 5 pounds. The greeves weighed 10 pounds. The bronze curteous weighed 85 pounds. the stiffen linin curteous weighed 75 pounds. all together that weighed up to 115 pounds to 130 pounds.


  1. Nicholas I know you have a lot of knowledge on all of the topics. I need you to put them onto your blog. If you need help typing just ask. Mr. S.

  2. Keep working Nicholas. You need to pick up the pace! This is a good start but not enough work to equal the amount of time you have had to work on it. Mr. S.

  3. Thank Nicholace for the great detailes on clothing ant amour. It tells me alot of things about how men dress... lol
    P.S. hello

  4. Nick great job on clothing, but I think you should have some more on other toppics. Sam T.<(^.^)>

  5. good work nick but maby add some maor topics. elise
